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How do you get bitcoin in the early days?

Aside from mining, the only way to obtain bitcoin in the very early days was by trading it on forums or IRC. This arrangement relied on the other party fulfilling their side of the deal, since there were few escrow services back then.

What was the first cryptocurrency exchange?

Bitcoin didn’t have to wait long for a dedicated exchange to spring up, thankfully, with the first cryptocurrency exchange going live in March 2010. Also read: Bitcoin History Part 5: A Wild Altcoin Appears The first cryptocurrency exchange wasn’t Bitstamp, Vircurex, or Btc-e. It was in fact a now defunct platform called

What was the first bitcoin price?

The first known Bitcoin price, or exchange rate, recorded on 5 October 2009 was published on what was the world’s first Bitcoin exchange site, New Liberty Standard (NLS), a site which offered a service to buy and sell Bitcoins in exchange for US dollars using PayPal.

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